All Pillars

Pillar 1: Transforming engineering education

Pillar 1: Transforming engineering education and learning   Aim: To develop a world-class student-centered education which attracts the brightest and most diverse talent, regardless of gender, cultural, and socio-economic background, and provides the country with a new generation of engineering graduates who have the knowledge, and the innovative and entrepreneurial thrust to create new technological opportunities of global impact that lead to economic growth. HIGHLIGHTS NEW ACADEMIC PLAN + JOURNAL I3 + MOOCs...

Pillar 2: Facing societal grand challenges

Pillar 2: Facing societal grand challenges: surfing the big waves Aim: To develop a world class applied research engine oriented to build a competitive innovative advantage to our country around shared concerns of high impact and global interest in the fields of health, sustainability, information, and technology (engineering) in science. The goal of this Pillar is to attract the brightest minds and provide them with the tools, training, and culture in interdisciplinary and innovative applied mission oriented research for them to become effective fountains of discovery, innovation, and technological entrepreneurship to effectively tackle the most complex and difficult challenges of our...

Pillar 3: Orchestrating effective, innovative and entrepreneurial networks

Pillar 3: Orchestrating and developing effective, innovative, academic and entrepreneurial networks Aim: To develop productive and sustainable national and international relations between the Consortium and other national and international world-class engineering schools by creating effective academic bridges in engineering education, applied research, innovation, and technological entrepreneurship through programs that foster the exchange and mobility of scholars, the collaborative generation of undergraduate and graduate programs and initiatives, the generation of collaborative new high-impact initiatives (centers and others), the capacity for addressing more complex problems by bringing a larger critical mass of specialized scholars, the development of joint initiatives in i+e, and the development of a competitive innovative advantage on the Chilean side by working on local industrial sectors of global impact, global enabling technologies, and global i+e opportunities offered by our natural and social...

Pillar 4: Building a world-class organization, structure and community

Pillar 4: Building a world-class organization, structure and community Aim: To build a lean world-class organization, a new institutional structure for research, innovation and graduate studies (UTFSM) and a new graduate school (UC); a community of engineers (ecosystem) highly motivated, adaptive, and committed to academic excellence; an organization that privileges the principle of “first-who-and-then-what”, capable of attracting and retaining the best possible academic talent; and organization that generates coherent school policies that continuously promote openness to cross-disciplinary work and to an innovative and entrepreneurial technological culture facilitated by attractive conditions and incentives; an organization capable of rapidly adapting academically and financially to the continuously varying external challenges, threats, and opportunities; an organization that counts with a very highly skilled professional staff dedicated to ease the work of the faculty and other stakeholders, responsible for providing the best possible support to the development of school...

Pillar 5: Constructing a new liaison with society

Pillar 5: Constructing a new liaison with society The fifth pillar is the stem of The Clover, which is the link to the fertile ground representing our society that will enable us develop a different relationship, and long-term new programs and partnerships with industry, thus creating a lock-in condition with different stakeholders of the society that could benefit from the transformation process of the schools of engineering behind this Consortium. Aim: To implement a comprehensive Industry-Consortium liaison program that should increase this interaction in order to help develop a sustainable global innovative advantage for Chile by generating a world-class professional education in engineering, new research aimed to the development of innovative technologies that can be commercialized in global markets and reach global impact, not only linked to primary local industrial sectors, but also linked to enabling technologies and products that embed these technologies, and contribute to strengthen the technological ecosystem by developing a solid program of technological entrepreneurship. Results of this pillar should be able to scale up by a factor of one order of magnitude our innovative and entrepreneurial capacity by means of pursuing and achieving valuable patents, licenses, a larger number of entrepreneurs and companies, new innovative social initiatives, and other forms of value creation in the next six years. The estimated direct return on the investment by the government in the next six years should be at least 3X; such return includes the important spillover of the innovation created and transferred to several other schools of engineering and activities in the...