Decision-oriented academic intelligence system [P4.S2]

AIM: Create or implement a platform for information driven decision making. More than ever, engineering schools require a detailed analysis of the local and international trends, the capacity to identify productive local and international networks, and the real-time performance of the institution and its people. This enables to correct and react beforehand, to take advantage of the myriad of opportunities that come up every day that could be matched with capacities in the university or network of universities, and to develop indicators that provide a constructive feedback to anyone that works or studies in the institution.
Data analysis is becoming a very strategic aspect for any organization and the possibility to extract relevant information from big data, as the one produced by any engineering school, will determine a relevant part of the success of the organization. This project stage is about creating an Academic Intelligent System (AIS), a system that monitors in real-time the evolution of the organization and provides information according to queries required for successful decision making at all decision levels: strategic, tactical and operational. It is also connected with an important desire, which is to reach complete transparency in the functioning of the schools.
At the core of this system will be a business intelligence platform, including a data warehouse, query/reporting tools, dashboards/scorecards, and predictive and analytics tools. The new academic structure proposed for the institution (previous stage) will allow a clearer cross-financial management for the schools, avoiding cross-financial subsidies among them. Therefore, an additional aim in this stage is to provide a robust monitoring system to guarantee a lean academic and financial performance for long-term sustainability.

• Integration and transparency in school data
• Global academic antenna