Pillar 1, Stage 2: Acceleration Program for Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship [P1.S2]

AIM: To affect the culture of the organization and engineering students at both schools through an educational program of activities oriented to develop competences in technological innovation and entrepreneurship.
Stage 1.2a: Education in Innovative and Entrepreneurial Skills
AIM: Design and implement an educational program (e.g., majors, minors, internships) to accelerate the generation of more technological innovators and entrepreneurs among our engineering students by using a group of projects intentioned to engage them soon in their careers with a real technological entrepreneurial opportunity and ecosystem; such program should also build significant ownership and pride in these students about their educational process as they see the application of their technological knowledge while at school.
- Formal and articulated academic programs in R&D+i+e (UC)
- Invisible curricula and culture (UC)
Stage 1.2b: Undergraduate Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
AIM: Develop new project based learning activities within the Consortium and connect them seamlessly with i+e aspects. In particular, reinforce the academic program PAIIEE of UTFSM oriented to foster and coordinate the activities of research, innovation, and entrepreneurship of undergraduate students with basis in science, engineering, and technology. For UTFSM the project is focused on the implementation of the following four initiatives: (1) New Course of Introduction to Creative Engineering & Innovation (Funded by the project MECESUP FSM-1408), (2) Redesigning the Academic program for Innovation & Entrepreneurship for students (PAIIEE), (3) Multidisciplinary advanced laboratories for innovation, (4) Multidisciplinary industrial projects & joint thesis (partially funded by MECESUP FSM-1299).