Internationalization of discovery [P2.S3]

AIM: To develop a comprehensive program to increase the global presence and competitiveness of local applied research and i+e by establishing effective partnerships with worldwide leading institutions in engineering and their most productive applied research groups and technological ecosystems. The aim of this program is to accelerate the Consortium’s growth of scientific, innovation, and entrepreneurial productivity by inserting it effectively in global research networks, increasing the scope and impact of its research and i+e capabilities, by leveraging the use of research equipment and technology unavailable in Chile, by exchanging graduate students and research talent with other world institutions, and by planting research seeds with different research groups elsewhere.
In addition, the Consortium should become the preferred gateway of international partners to do applied research and i+e of global interest in the context of the emerging economies of Latin America, in issues such as macro regional models for health, sustainability, natural disasters, energy, natural resources, and so many other concerns that have specific characteristics in the region.
Through the development of dual graduate programs of excellence with international partners, we expect to become an international hub for attracting research talent from Latin America and the South Pacific, thus effectively becoming a hub for knowledge creation, innovation, and technological entrepreneurship.
• National and international cross-disciplinary joint research initiatives
• World-class dual doctoral programs
• International mobility of research and i+e talent