Across-school insertion in global networks [P3.S1]

AIM: To create a new transversal initiative within the Consortium to plan, further develop, implement, and manage all international academic, professional, and entrepreneurial relationships (networks) between schools of engineering (IRSE) and between these schools and the most active entrepreneurial ecosystems in the world. This implies to effectively manage and take full advantage of the possibilities that all these networks and ecosystems offer to our students, scholars, and staff. To do so, we propose to create a new school division at UC-Engineering (IRSE), which should be seamlessly articulated with the current structure of international relations present at the central administration level of the two universities. Its focus will be in engineering international affairs, academic programs, and innovation and entrepreneurial networks.
The more specific goals of this division would be to foster productive academic-innovation partnerships that include joint innovation-entrepreneurial activities among international groups, provide the back office to develop and expand attractive international seed funding initiatives, design new double undergraduate and graduate degrees, organize visits of scholars, coordinate international conferences and events, foster international student competitions, offer local internships for international engineering students, and place national students in academic, entrepreneurial, and labor experiences abroad.
In summary, a division in charge of all institutional international interactions and the promotion of the participation of engineering students and scholars in international networks and very innovative and entrepreneurial ecosystems.

• Development of global academic partnerships in selected engineering areas
• Insertion of scholars in world entrepreneurial networks
• Outreach i+e program