A new “Solution Shop” [P5.S3]

AIM: Create and coordinate a new internal capacity to technically address in a comprehensive way the most complex and urgent concerns faced by industry, government, and the third sector using effectively the networking capacity developed in this project to find good national and international academic matches with the needs presented by the counterparts in the society.
Always contribute in these solutions by proposing innovative ideas that may lead also to new products, services, and processes.
• To create and start-up a new division for Engineering’s Liaison
• To create and start-up a new division for International Relations
For this ideas to work, the following concrete actions will be taken:
1. Overcome barriers
Overcoming the barriers that have hindered the Government-Industry-University relationship, in order to position the University as an ally in the search for solutions to its problems and in discovery and exploitation of new opportunities.
2. Leverage
Leveraging areas in which the Consortium has or can develop competencies through internal growth and/or international links with centers of excellence
3. Articulate
a. Both the School´s and University’s internal capacities
b. Interactions with the local environment
c. International relations
4. Position
Positioning the Consortium within society to become more sensitive to the industrial, government, and third sector´s challenges.

How will we leverage and expand the Consortium’s scientific and technological capabilities?
• Attracting the required specialists able to address the needs of industry and the public sector;
• Facilitating the insertion of international centers in Chile and;
• Supporting the Consortium’s internationalization strategy by exporting technologies developed in-house