Engineering 2030 can be conceptualized as an Irish (lucky) Clover of four leaves (pillars), which are interconnected by a stem (fifth pillar) that brings from a fertile soil (our society) the nutrients to The Clover. The leaves and stem contain very concrete stages and actions, materialized in the form of projects, which are aligned with the strategic goal.
@ UC

Mauricio López | Team Leader for Pillar 1: Transforming Engineering Education and Learning.
Engineering Education Team
STAGE: A New Engineering Education: Discovery, Design, and Implementation [1.1] MANAGER: Mar Pérez DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Mar Pérez | Yadran Eterovic
STAGE: Acceleration Program for Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship [1.2] MANAGER: Mauricio López DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Alfonso Cruz | Patricia Galilea
STAGE: Internationalization through undergraduate experience [1.3] MANAGER: Loreto Valenzuela DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Loreto Valenzuela | Domingo Mery | César Sáez | Patricia Galilea | Wendy Franco
STAGE: Talent, Diversity, and Inclusion [1.4] MANAGER: Miguel Torres

Aldo Cipriano | Team Leader for Pillar 2: Facing societal grand challenges: Surfing the big waves.
Grand Challenges Team
STAGE: Infrastructure for learning and discovery in engineering [2.1] MANAGER: María José Pérez DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Felipe Antequera | Ricardo Serpell | Christian Ledezma
STAGE: Cross-disciplinary initiatives and centers [2.2] MANAGER: Domingo Mery
STAGE: Internationalization of discovery [2.3] MANAGER: Domingo Mery DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Domingo Mery | Magdalena Walczak

Ana María Bravo | Team Leader for Pillar 3: Orchestrating and developing effective innovative academic and entrepreneurial networks.
Networks Team
STAGE: Mentoring, advising, and support [3.2] MANAGER: Ana María Bravo DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Juan Enrique Coeymans | Julio Pertuzé | Stephen Zhang

Pedro Bouchon | Team Leader for Pillar 4: Building a world-class organization, structure, and community.
Governance Team
STAGE: New academic school structure [4.1] MANAGER: Pedro Bouchon DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Pedro Bouchon | Aldo Cipriano | Mauricio López | Luis Fernando Alarcón
STAGE: Decision-oriented academic intelligence system [4.2] MANAGER: María José Pérez DEVELOPMENT TEAM: María José Pérez | Pedro Bouchon
STAGE: Plan for academic and financial sustainability and growth [4.3] MANAGER: Pedro Bouchon DEVELOPMENT TEAM: María José Pérez | Luis Fernando Alarcón

Luis Fernando Alarcón | Team Leader for Pillar 5: Constructing a new liaison with society
Liaison Team
STAGE: Program of dual-education between the university, industry, and public sector [5.2] MANAGER: Luis Fernando Alarcón DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Claudia Halabi
STAGE: A new “Solution Shop” [5.3] MANAGER: Luis Fernando Alarcón DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Nicolás Majluf | Cristóbal Cheyre | Julio Pertuzé | Stephen Zhang

Engineering Education Team
STAGE: Acceleration Program for Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship [1.2] MANAGER: Pablo Prieto DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Marcos Zúñiga | Werner Creixel | Werner Kristjanpoller
STAGE: Internationalization through undergraduate experience [1.3] MANAGER: Karol Trautmann DEVELOPMENT TEAM: César Silva
STAGE: Talent, Diversity, and Inclusion [1.4] MANAGER: Ricardo Simpson DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Karem Tello | Celin Mora | Ricardo Henríquez

Grand Challenges Team

Governance Team

Governance Team
STAGE: Plan for academic and financial sustainability and growth [4.3] MANAGER: Daniel Ramírez

Liaison Team
STAGE: A new “Solution Shop” [5.3] MANAGER: Manuel Young DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Gonzalo Núñez
STAGE: A “co-societal” hub for open innovation [5.4] MANAGER: Luis Salinas DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Christopher Nikulin | Sergio Murúa | Javier Cañas
STAGE: Academic training program for entrepreneurship & innovation skills and methodologies [5.5] MANAGER: Jorge Pontt DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Pedro Serrano | Mario Toledo | Werner Kristjanpoller