Pillar 4: Building a world-class organization, structure and community

Aim: To build a lean world-class organization, a new institutional structure for research, innovation and graduate studies (UTFSM) and a new graduate school (UC); a community of engineers (ecosystem) highly motivated, adaptive, and committed to academic excellence; an organization that privileges the principle of “first-who-and-then-what”, capable of attracting and retaining the best possible academic talent; and organization that generates coherent school policies that continuously promote openness to cross-disciplinary work and to an innovative and entrepreneurial technological culture facilitated by attractive conditions and incentives; an organization capable of rapidly adapting academically and financially to the continuously varying external challenges, threats, and opportunities; an organization that counts with a very highly skilled professional staff dedicated to ease the work of the faculty and other stakeholders, responsible for providing the best possible support to the development of school projects.